Frequently Asked Questions
General: | Please choose a question: Why do you charge a subscription fee? |
Billing: | Please choose a question: Billing 1 |
Charities: | Please choose a question: Charitites 1 |
Contests: | Please choose a question: Advice for Life- what kinds of advice are you looking for? Can I submit more than one entry and win multiple times? How can I be featured on the WOW Show? How can I view past Caption Contest winners? How do I enter a contest? How long will winning entries be posted? Prizes What contests do you offer? What are the rules for this contest? May I give the scholarship prize to someone else? Are there maximum word counts for entries? How does the Life Lesson contest work? What is the deadline for entries for Life Lessons? What are the rules for the contests? Can contests have multiple winners? Are contest prizes transferable? |
Et Cetera: | Please choose a question: How do I win prizes? |
Why do you charge a subscription fee?
Unlike many websites, you will notice that Life Answers Back has no ads or pop-ups and we don't sell your information to third parties. We believe that some people would rather be entertained with a clean and beautiful website as opposed to being bombarded with various advertisements and emails from third party "associates". Your $12.95 subscription, which is less than .25 cents a week, provides you access to unique content as well as come of the most entertaining content from across the web, in a safe, beautiful and thoroughly enjoyable website that focuses on featuring our content in the best way possible.
Billing 1
Charitites 1
Advice for Life- what kinds of advice are you looking for?
In a word: good. We aren't looking for any type of advice in particular, just advice that you believe will benefit our members.
Can I submit more than one entry and win multiple times?
Yes! The more you enter the better chance you have to win and the more you can possibly win. We don't limit the number of entries or the number of times a member can win. If your entries are determined to be "prize worthy" you win!
How can I be featured on the WOW Show?
This unique feature of our “Life’s Beauty” section features the talents of professional and talented amateur photographers. We present their work in a unique manner that members will enjoy and make them say “Wow!” We include information about the photographer and a link to their Website in case you would like to see more of their work.
If you would like your photography to be featured in the WOW Show, just go to the “Contact Us” section and e-mail us a request along with some information about you and some samples or a link to your photos so we can see your work.
If you would like your photography to be featured in the WOW Show, just go to the “Contact Us” section and e-mail us a request along with some information about you and some samples or a link to your photos so we can see your work.
How can I view past Caption Contest winners?
The best are turned into Life Cards. Go to the Life Cards section and click on the “Caption Contest” category.
How do I enter a contest?
Our “Care, Share & Win” section allows members to submit Life Lesson entries, photo entries, caption contest entries, and contributions to all our sections. While the Life Lessons prizes are the largest, we reward members with a gift subscription for anything we use on the site. Member submissions improve the site for everyone so we reward great entries!
How long will winning entries be posted?
Forever. As our content grows with time, members will always be able to browse through past features and entries whenever they want.
All winners of our contests receive a one-year subscription to either use when you renew your membership or as a gift. In addition, the following contest winners are eligible for the following prizes:
Life Lesson: Your choice of $250 cash, $500 charitable donation or $1,000 college scholarship for you or a friend or loved one.
Life's Mail: If we use your submission to send to other members, you win $100!
The Best You've Never: $100 for the best entry of the month.
Life Lesson: Your choice of $250 cash, $500 charitable donation or $1,000 college scholarship for you or a friend or loved one.
Life's Mail: If we use your submission to send to other members, you win $100!
The Best You've Never: $100 for the best entry of the month.
What contests do you offer?
Most sections of our site are open to member submissions for which you can be rewarded for your contributions. Be it a Life Lesson, your own beautiful photographs, Advice for Life, our caption contest, or sending us an e-mail that you think our members will enjoy, there are numerous ways to win on Life Answers Back while contributing to our site.
What are the rules for this contest?
Please see our contest rules. But, in a nutshell, your entry must be an original created by you or you must have permission to submit the entry created by another person.
May I give the scholarship prize to someone else?
One of the prizes you may choose as a winner of a Life Lesson contest is a $1,000 scholarship and yes, you can give it to someone else. If you win a Life lesson contest and choose the $1,000 scholarship as your prize, the check will be made out jointly to the recipient of your choice and the school he or she is attends or plans to attend.
Are there maximum word counts for entries?
No, but keep in mind that one of the key elements for judging is “How enjoyable, moving or insightful is the entry for our members?
How does the Life Lesson contest work?
If you see one of our Life Lessons and want to expand on it or offer your own Life Lesson on the same subject, just submit your entry on our Care, Share and Win page. There are no deadlines and you can enter as many times as you like. If we choose your Life Lesson as a winner, we will feature it on the site and you will receive your choice of $250 cash, $500 charitable contribution to a charity of your choice, or a $1,000 scholarship that can be used by you or a friend or family member.
What is the deadline for entries for Life Lessons?
No deadlines! You may submit an entry at any time on any subject covered in a Life Lesson, or submit your own unique Life Lesson. All Life Lessons along with winning entries from other members may be accessed from the Life Lessons page.
What are the rules for the contests?
You can see our full contest rules on the Care, Share and Win page. But, in a nutshell, anything you submit should be your own original work, or you should have a license or permission to use the submission.
Can contests have multiple winners?
Yes! Contests can have multiple winners. We aren't pitting LAB members against each other, we are simply asking that you share and contribute to the site for the enjoyment of other members. If we have more than one submission that we believe should be rewarded, then we will reward you.
Are contest prizes transferable?
Yes. If you supply a winning entry and want to give your prize to someone else, just tell us who to send the prize to and we will do so. For example, if your son or friend is going to college and can use some extra money for the college fund, we will make out the college scholarship check to the school they will be or are attending.
How do I win prizes?
You can win cash prizes and scholarships by submitting content for the various sections of Life Answers Back. If we like it, we'll publish it for the community to read, and you may be eligible for rewards!